Monday, December 14, 2009

The Christmas Tree ...

belongs to my kitty! At first I tried to put the kibosh on this but I soon dicovered I would not win, so I decided to take some pictures insted!


Terry@ a quilting blog said...

OMG!!! How sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet and adorable is your little these pictures!!!! TFS

Have a very Merry Christmas and New Year!!!


Laura.K said...

So sweet. Lovely kitty. Gorgeous picture.

☼ Cheryl* said...

omg that is SOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your kitty is lovely!! awwwwww!

Larisa said...

very lovely kitten)))))) meaw)))0

PinksyDoodles said...

Oh so cute!!
Clare x

Crafty Cat said...

Wow what a cutie! My cats are old now and climbing xmas trees is far too much effort for them (thankfully). xxx Carol

Laurel said...

OMG how ADORABLE!!! Our cat keeps hanging out under the tree but this is so cute!

Vintage Blue Studio said...

Haha how cute! We decided not to put the big tree up again because of our kitten. So instead we have to tiny tree's. One in the living room and one in the bedroom. Your kitten is too cute!

laterg8r said...

those are sooooo adorable - cute overload :D

Dayna said...

LOL!! That is the sweetest thing, love those pictures. Thanks for the smile!

Jenn said...

Super cute! My cats used to drive me nut with this as well!

You made my daughter giggle, so sweet :D

Crafty Jenn said...

Oh My Gosh!!! I LOVE it! What a cute little kitty you have! Thanks for sharing these adorable pictures Beth.

My cat loves the tree too. Likes to bite the needles off and spit them on the floor. Hot sauce on the ends of the branches stops him from doing it. ;)

<3 Jenn

Dotty Jo said...

Oh Beth, Christmas trees and kittens... always a winning combination! Custard decided to try and eat our tree and had to be told off. My sweet old girl cat Cleo used to enjoy battling the baubles onto the floor and then playing football/soccer with them! Have fun, DJ x

Sarah said...

BETH!!!!! You should make these your Christmas cards this year or next!! Darling.

Unknown said...

BIG CUDDLES she looks adorable (does you tree?) lol she only looks like a kitten so sweet

Love Dawn xx

Caryl P said...

Toooo cute! Your kitty just stole my heart, thanks for sharing that smile today!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Lovin it! These pictures are worth a 1,000 words. Your lil kitty is so very content in your tree. Even kittens need a little Christmas.
Kim xXx

Dawnll said...

Oh this is the sweetest thing!!! Now you know how much I love my Pippie but I have to say this is cuter then you have the tree tied up?

Anonymous said...

How adorable is that?! Love those pictures! What a cute kitty!

Sandra1968 said...

Oh, those pictures are so gorgeous! Your kitty is a real photo model :-)

Marcy said...

HAHAHAHA That is just too adorable!!!

Cibele Glazer said...

Love kitty! This is just too darling. My cat just knocks the ornaments off but doesn't really do too much in the cute department anymore...getting to old I guess. :)