Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I don't get it...

Football that is, not much of a fan either. It's all good, there are plenty-o-folks who aren't yazzed up about my interests either. Here is my card for the day no rhyme or reason and no challenge either...shocking I know! Have a touchdown of a day, keeping in mind of safety without interferance or pentalties aiming high for a goal! Beth aka BR-T


Leslie said...

Looks like you know all the jargon to go with a really cute card.

Crystal said...

OH MY BETH this is SUPER cute!!! LOVE the star and your layout ROCKS!!! Adorable card!

Dawnll said...

I was going to say you use the football words well for not being a fan, what a cute card sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Very cute!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

You do know the language! One thing you scored the extra points on was the cuteness of this card! I love the way you colored your little star! This is just great! Love it!!!
Kim xXx

Anjou Krelovich said...

Hi Beth, this is so cute! Love your super write-up too!

Ayelet {Jenny} said...

It took me a moment to realise you mean American footbal, but when you thin about it, it doesnt really matter- football or soccer. both inolving a bunch of (fit) guys chasing one ball. I always said they could each get one, so there will be no reason to fight! LOL Great card, I love the layout and it is super cute!
If I ever get pregnant again and if its going to be a boy, I`ll be asking you to teach me the lingo! x

Love the card and thanks for stopping by my blog :-)

Dotty Jo said...

This is brilliant Beth, love your little football guy and that big star! Great work as always, Jo x