Friday, September 25, 2009

It pays to stay up way late!

I just thought I'd take a peeksie over at TGF'S Farm Fresh Friday posting and discovered I won last weeks card challenge "Emboss It"! I am weak in the knees I tell ya', I suppose it could be because the caffeine has finally worn off or perhaps I am so darned thrilled! I will be receiving one of their newest set releases Cute Troop In honor of all our Little Troopers out there. We are getting our first grader in on the Scouting action so I am doubly excited! Have an amazing rest of the day, yes I can say that at 12:15 am! Beth aka BR-T


Dotty Jo said...

Congrats to you my talented friend! Jo x

Victoria said...

well done you, I only just started following the farm and yur card is so lush it ws a well deserved winner


Sparkplug17 said...

Congrats Beth!

Sweet Momiji said...

Congratulations Beth!!!! With your talent, you deserve every win you receive!! :)


Sandra1968 said...

Congrats! And have fun with your prize :-)

Carisa said...

Congrats - that cards was awesome!

PinksyDoodles said...

Clare x

Random Acts of Krafting said...

Way to go!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Yay! Congrats!!!
kim xXx

Crafty Jenn said...

Yippee!! Congrats Beth! Great work.